Poročilo o nadzoru Slovenske begunske ljudske šole v Spittalu, 1948

Title: Poročilo o nadzoru Slovenske begunske ljudske šole v Spittalu, 1948
Binding: manuscript, unbound
Type: report
Genre: memorial, documentary literature
Material: paper
Length: 24 pages
Publisher: unknown
Provenience: Catholic Institute, Studia Slovenica 2; evidence number: Collection of material from Austrian refugee camps after World War II

Notes: The »Report on the Monitoring of the Work of the Slovenian Refugee Grammar School in Spittal« is a detailed report on the progress of the work in the individual classes, an evaluation of the teachers' work and suggestions for improving the teaching process.

Copyright: orphan work

The complete document in digital form is available  HERE
Poročilo o nadzoru Slovenske begunske ljudske šole v Spittalu