Res novae is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Catholic Institute, Faculty of Law and Economics. Its main aim is to become a point of reference for the multi- and cross-disciplinary academic study of the interplay between religion and society. It is focused not only on issues of current concern, but also on the historical dimension of those intersections. It focuses on the critical engagement and examination of ideas that connect religious ideas and philosophies, primarily those of Christianity, to their social, political and economic contexts in the contemporary world and throughout history.
The mutual impact of religious and societal transformation processes requires the collaboration of different academic disciplines, so the journal has a pronounced multidisciplinary character; contributions from various humanities disciplines (theology, philosophy, history) and social sciences (law, political science, economics) are welcome. From the geographic point of view (if applicable), Res novae deals primarily with the territory of South-Central Europe and the Balkans. However, articles dealing with other geographical regions might be considered for publication, should they contain important new contributions to the scientific state of the art.
Articles for publication in Res novae can describe concepts, present theoretical findings, or are empirically analytical. It is expected that authors demonstrate a high level of knowledge of the issues discussed, are scientifically accurate and methodologically clear. Articles must show a contribution to the development of the areas they cover.