Subject | Total Quality Management and Law |
Semester | 3/4 semester |
Type | Optional |
Study programme: | Law studies (Master) |
Primary language: | Slovene |
There are no special conditions.
Content :
otal Quality Management (TQM) is an approach to the management of a quality-oriented organization based on the cooperation and commitment of all internal and external stakeholders with the goal of strategically achieving success for customer satisfaction and for benefit of all members of the organization and society as a whole. TQM is a management strategy that aims to incorporate the concept of quality into all organizational processes. It is an integrated systems approach that encompasses all functions and departments and employees at all levels of one particular organization. TQM requires systematic maintenance of quality criteria, tasks must be performed correctly and faults must be eliminated from operation. A specific focus on the field of law, in the public and private sectors, dominates the entire structure of the curriculum. The introduction of TQM, by connecting different legal areas, enables a distinct transparency, focus and ease of processes, which is extremely important for the establishment of quality decision-making and implementation.
Required readings:
Recommended readings:
Objectives and competences:
Students will develop general competencies:
Students will develop subject-specific competencies:
Intended learning outcomes:
Learning and teaching methods:
Lectures, seminars, tutorials, individual work with students, case studies.
Lecturer's references:
Dr. Petja Mihelič. Študijska pot je potekala preko Filozofske fakultete in Evropske pravne fakultete v Ljubljani ter študijem na Japonskem na Fakulteti za pravo in književnost (Faculty of Law and Literature, Shimane University).
Delovne izkušnje so iz slovenskih in nemških ustanov (Socialna akademija, Ljubljana; Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Bonn; MitOst, Berlin; Studienhaus Wiesneck, Institut für politische Bildung Baden-Württemberg, Freiburg), s temeljno usmeritvijo v pripravo in izpeljavo pedagoških dejavnostih, znanstveno raziskovanje, pisanje strokovnih člankov in mnenj ter organizacijo seminarjev in strokovnih obiskov.
Dr. Mihelič je docent na Fakulteti za pravo in poslovne vede, udeleženec mednarodnih znanstvenih konferenc in pisec znanstvenih člankov s področja prava.