Selected chapters of labor law and social security law

SubjectSelected chapters of labor law and social security law
Semester3rd semester
Study programme:Law studies (Master)
Primary language:Slovene

There are no special conditions. 

Content :
1. Development and definition of labor law and delimitation from other branches of law and scientific disciplines;
2. The concept of employment relationship;
3. International and national labor law acts for workers and civil servants;
4. Employment in the public and private sector;
5. Disputes over the existence of an employment relationship;
6. Out-of-court settlement of labor disputes;

Individual labor law:
7. The rights, obligations and responsibilities of the employee and the employer in concluding, during and terminating the employment relationship;

Collective labor law:
8. Relations between the social partners, structural and financial participation of workers, collective bargaining, collective agreements, the right to strike;

Social security rights:
9. Basic concepts and systems of social protection;
10. Unemployment insurance


Required readings:

  • Bečan I. et al. 2019. Zakon o delovnih razmerjih s komentarjem, 2. izdaja, Lexpera, GV Založba Ljubljana;
  • Vodovnik, Z., Tičar, L. 2016. Osnove delovnega in socialnega parava, GV Založba Ljubljana;
  • Kresal Šoltes, K., Kresal, B., Senčur Peček D. 2014. Vodnik po pravicah iz delovnega razmerja, Inštitut za delo pri PF Ljubljana;
  • Cvetko, A. et al. 2004. Pogodba o zaposlitvi in podjetniška kolektivna pogodba, GV Založba Ljubljana;
  • Zakon o delovnih razmerjih, zakon o urejanju trga dela, Zakon o javnih uslužbencih, Zakon o sistemu plač v javnem sektorju, Zakon o kolektivnih pogodbah, Zakon o stavki, Zakon o reprezentativnosti sindikatov, Zakon o sodelovanju delavcev pri upravljanju, Zakon o varnosti in zdravju pri delu, Zakon o inšpekciji dela;
  • Drugi izbrani pravni predpisi, aktualna sodna praksa.  

Recommended readings:

  • Rakar, I. in Tičar, B. 2017. Pravo javne uprave. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za upravo;
  • Haček, M. 2015. Sistem javnih uslužbencev v Republiki Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede;
  • Iršič, M. 2020. Mediacija. Zavod Rakmo;
  • Metelko, T. P. 2018. Mediacijske tehnike in veščine, Pro Creathor;
  • Betetto et al. 2011. Mediacija v teoriji in praksi, Društvo mediatorjev Slovenije, Ljubljana;
  • Penko Natlačen, M. et al. 2010. Alternativno reševanje delavnopravnih sporov s podporo socialnega dialoga, študija, GZS.

Objectives and competences:

Students will develop general competencies:

  • Initiative and independence in decision-making;
  • Deepening of knowledge in civil law, criminal law, labor law, public law and fundamental legal field;
  • Specialized legal knowledge in the field of compulsory subjects, which supports the professional orientation of the student;
  • Ability to transfer theoretical knowledge into practice with the ability to solve more complex cases that require the integration of different legal areas, and the preparation of more complex legal acts;
  • Ability to use solutions from various professional and scientific disciplines in planning the goals of the organization and introducing changes in the organization;
  • Ability to do basic scientific research and find legal sources.

Students will develop subject-specific competencies:

  • In-depth knowledge of the chosen topic and its application in practice;
  • Use of effective legal approaches in companies and the public sector;
  • Identifying and managing new forms of organization, relationships and types of work and knowledge of application in practice;
  • Ability to regulate employment relationships in the private and public sectors.
  • Acquisition of basic theoretical and practical knowledge about the social legal relationship and the narrower social insurance relationship between the insured person and the insurance carrier.

  Intended learning outcomes: 
After successfully completing the obligations, the student will be able to:   

  • Know and understand the most demanding international and national legal instruments in the field;
  • Know and understand the meaning of labor law, the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the employee and the employer;
  • Linking labor law theory and social security law with practice;
  • Know how to decide on the rights and obligations of the social security system and on participation and decision-making in the administrative social procedure and social dispute;
  • Oral and written expression on legal issues / problems of labor law;
  • Ability to draw up individual acts.

Learning and teaching methods: 
Teaching with active student participation, case studies, research work, distance learning.  


  • Written exam (50%) and
  • written assignment (50%).
The condition for taking the written exam is a positively assessed written assignment.

Lecturer's references:
Doc. dr. Aniko Noemi Turi graduated from the Faculty of Law at the University of Szeged, earning the title of Bachelor of Laws. She completed her master's degree at the Jean Moulin III University in Lyon, France and later received her PhD as a young researcher at the Faculty of Management of the University of Primorska in the field of social dialogue and the principles of international labor law. She is the author and co-author of several professional and scientific articles. Her areas of research are social dialogue and employment relationships from both a legal and a personnel perspective.

In addition to law, her great passion is also Alternative Labor Dispute Resolution (ARDS). After completing her education at the Central European University in Budapest, she also obtained a degree in mediation under the auspices of the Cardozo School of Law, recognized by the American Bar Association. She further trained in dispute resolution at the Anderson School of Management (University of New Mexico). As part of the ARDS project, under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, she also completed training for an arbitrator in labor disputes. Between 2016-2019, she was a researcher in the international project RestauraCE339. She is employed at the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.

She is currently on maternity leave.

  • TURI, Aniko Noemi. Transfer of Knowledge to Improve Cultural Heritage Revitalization. The USV annals of economics and public administration, ISSN 2285-3332 , 2019, vol. 19, iss. 1 (29), str. 173-178.
  • TURI, Aniko Noemi. International labour law principles as guidelines to foster employment relations. The USV annals of economics and public administration, ISSN 2285-3332, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 1 (25), str. 198-207.
  • TURI, Aniko Noemi. The role of the international labour law principles concerning social dialogue on management strategies. Dignitas : revija za človekove pravice, ISSN 1408-9653, 2016, [Št.] 71/72, str. 77-89.