Subject | International Humanitarian and War Law |
Semester | 3/4 semester |
Type | Optional |
Study programme: | Law studies (Master) |
Primary language: | Slovene |
Content :
- Introduction. War as a sociological phenomenon. Definition. Nature of war.
- Evolution of war phenomenon through history.
- Evolution of thinking about military encounters (through history). Jus ad bellum. Jus in bello. Polemology.
- General rules (discrimination and proportionality).
- Clause Martens. Law of Haag (1899-1907).
- Law of Geneve. Conventions from 1949. Protocol (I and II) from 1977.
- Fundamental caracteristics of Genevian Conventions. International and non-international fighting. Civil wars. Internal rebellions. Rebellions against non-legitimate authority.
- Protection of members fighting forces.
- Methods and ways of fighting.
- Protection non.fighting civilians. Procedure with non-soldiers.
- Protection of cultural goods.
- Humanitarian law and new technologies. RMA (Revolution in Military Affairs). Sensors, comunications, drones.
- Humanitarian law and cibernetic news. »Hibrid war« an its consecuences.
- War in Koncil documents. Compendium of Social Doctrine of Catholic Church.
Required readings:
- Mednarodne konvencije (dostopne na spletu). (
- Sancin V. – Švarc, D. – Ambrož, M.: Mednarodno pravo oboroženih spopadov, Poveljstvo za doktrino, razvoj, izobraževanje in usposabljanje, 2009.
- Ilenič, Valter. Pravo v oboroženih spopadih in humanitarno pravo. 2005. Rakek: RS, Ministrstvo za obrambo, Slovenska vojska.
- Leban, Rudolf. Dileme sodobnega vojnega prava. 2017. Ljubljana. R. Leban.
- Odgovarjajoča poglavja klasičnih del domačih in tujih avtorjev iz Mednarodnega javnega prava.
Recommended readings:
- Sancin, V., v: Odgovornost zaščititi in njeno globalno, regionalno in državno uveljavljanje. Glej: Zidar, A. – Štiglic, S. – Polak Petrič, A., (ur): Slovenske misli o mednarodnih odnosih in pravu. Prispevki ob 80-letnici dr. Ernesta Petriča, Zbirka Mednarodno pravo, Založba FDV: Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, 2016, str. 373-397.
- Škrk, Mirjam. Načelo sorazmernosti v mednarodnem pravu. 2009. COBISS.SI-ID 10434385.
- Peteh, Polona. Mednarodno pravo oboroženih spopadov v okoliščinah asimetričnega vojskovanja. 2016. Ljkubljana, P. Kosmač.
- Gak, Natali. Mednarodno pravo oboroženih spopadov. 2010. COBISS.SI-ID 10652497.
Objectives and competences:
Hearer will know the question of armed conflicts, the rules that managed this kind of conflicts, the protection of fighting and non fighting people, the methods and ways of fighting an all other aspects of war. Specially will know the limits in the behavior during the armed events, appearently non limited. The consideration of concrete cases from national and international courts aid to resolve the present questions. To fashion ethicaly an socialy responsible law specialist orientate on public sector relataed with international conflicts.
Students will be able to develop general competences:
- Capacities and stimulation to consider etic values, social responsible thinking and critical relation in front of social behavior in decisions.
- Initiative and independence of decisions.
- Extension of general horizon in law that permit wide vision and qualified decisions.
- Capacities to analize internal and external conditions of working, definition of attaindable goals and strategy to reach it.
Students will be able to develop specifical competences:
- Capacities to relate knowledge from different domains (interdisciplinarity).
- Capacities to include new informations and interpretations in the proces of discipline development.
- Deeper knowledge in the area of choose subject and its utilisation in practice.
- Student will be able, after the examination, to understand and use the rules, and solve difficult concrete and practice cases.
Intended learning outcomes:
Student will know, will be able and will be capable to use the international rules of international fighting. He will understand its meaning and sens, and also its benefit in a concret situations, working in a national agencies (Ministry of defense, Slovenian army) or international organizations.
Learning and teaching methods:
- Frontal way of teaching. Lectures in dynamic way. Wide posibilities to debate and explanations.
- Exercises (analize of situations, analize of similar decisions, resolution of concret problems).
Weight (in %)
Lecturer's references:
Univerzitetni diplomirani pravnik. Doktoriral v Madridu. Upokojeni zaslužni profesor Mednarodnega javnega prava, Mednarodnih odnosov in Zgodovine mednarodnih odnosov. Diplomiran iz Vojaške strategije (na Višji vojaški šoli). Diplomiran v Politični sociologiji.