Canon Law

SubjectCanon Law
Semester3/4 semester
Study programme:Law studies (Master)
Primary language:Slovene

No special conditions (or specify)  

Content :

  1. General on Canon Law
    1.1 History of Canon Law
    1.2 Legal sources and foundations

  2. Constitutional Canon Law
    2.1 Universal Church (Pope and College of Cardinals)
    2.2 Local Churches (Bishops, Metropolitans)
    2.3 Parishes (Priests, Deacons)
    2.4 Other parts of the Church (religious and other forms of consacrated life)

  3. Matrimonial Canon Law
    3.1 Legal bases of christian marriage
    3.2 Valid contract of marriage
    3.3 Defects in consent to marriage
    3.4 Judicial annulment proceedings

  4. Property Canon Law
    4.1 Acquisition of property
    4.2 Property Management
    4.3 Contracts and disposals

  5. Criminal canon law
    5.1 The nature of criminal law
    5.2 Crimes and penalties in general
    5.2.1 Imposing of sentence
    5.2.2 Termination of sentence
    5.3 Penalties for individual crimes

  6. Sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable adults in the Catholic Church
    6.1 Legal sources
    6.2 Report of sexual abuse
    6.3 Preliminary investigation
    6.4 Administrative penal process
    6.5 Judicial penal process
    6.6 Measures to prevent sexual abuse
  7. Readings:

    Required readings:

    • Zakonik cerkvenega prava = Codex iuris canonici : razglašen z oblastjo papeža Janeza Pavla II. 2006. Ljubljana: Družina.
    • Slatinek, Stanislav. 2006. Pereča pravna vprašanja. Maribor: Slomškova založba.
    • Slatinek, Stanislav. 2014. Izgubljeni prstan: kako pomagati ločenim in znova poročenim kristjanom. Maribor: Ognjišče, Slomškova založba.
    • Slatinek, Stanislav. 2010. Kazniva dejanja in kazni : sankcije v Cerkvi. Maribor : Slomškova družba, Slomškova založba.
    • Benedikt XVI. 2015. Resnica o zakonu. Maribor : Ognjišče, Slomškova založba.
    • Naglič, Andrej. 2017. Pridobitna dejavnost župnij in samostanov. Res novae, letn. 2, št. 1, str. 68-88.
    • Valentan, Sebastijan. 2018. Ensuring justice and searching for truth in the marriage nullity process. Diacovensia: Teološki prilozi, let. 26, št. 1, str. 155-169.
    • Valentan, Sebastijan. 2016. Prenova kanonskega postopka v ničnostnih zakonskih pravdah in pojasnila Papeškega sveta za zakonska besedila. Bogoslovni vestnik, let. 76, št. 3/4, str. 607-619.
    • Valentan, Sebastijan. 2017. Odločitve apostolskega sodišča Rimske rote in njihov pomen za krajevna sodišča. Tretji dan, let. 46, št. 3/4, str. 123-129.
    • Valentan, Sebastijan. 2019. Spolne zlorabe mladoletnih oseb v Katoliški cerkvi : pristojnosti državnih in cerkvenih oblasti. Pravna praksa, 7. nov. 2019, leto 38, št. 42/43, str. 20-22.
    • Spiteri, Laurence J. 1997. Canon Law Explained. Sophia Institute Press, New Hampshire.
    • Coriden, James A. 2019. An Introduction to Canon Law. Paulist Press, New York.
    • Martens, Kurt. 2017. Justice and Mercy Have Met. Pope Francis and the Reform of the Marriage Nullity Process. The Catholic University of America Press, Washington DC.
    • Dugan, Patricia M.; Navarro Luis. 2006. Studies on the Instruction Dignitas Connubii. Wilson & Lafleur, Quebec.

    Recommended readings:

    • Vonderberger, Victoria. 2011. Rotal Jurisprudence. Canon Law Society of America, Washington DC.
    • Frank, Elias. 2017. The Dissolution of Marriage Bond in the Discipline of the Church and Its Application. Urbaniana University Press, Vatikansko mesto.
    • Valentan, Sebastijan. 2016. Apostolska sodišča. Tretji dan, [letn.] 45, [št.] 1/2, str. 77-82.
    • Dugan, Patricia M. 2006. Advocacy Vademecum. Wilson & Lafleur, Quebec.

    Objectives and competences:

    Students will acquire general competencies:

    • Ability and encouragement to take into account ethical values, socially responsible thinking and a critical attitude towards social events in decisions, regardless of the subject and level of decision-making
    • Expanding the general legal horizon in the field of elective subjects, which provide a broader view, which is extremely important for establishing quality decision-making
    • Ability to transfer theoretical knowledge into practice with the ability to solve more complex cases that require the integration of different legal areas, and the preparation of more complex legal acts

    Intended learning outcomes:

    After successfully completing the obligations, the student will be able to:

    • on the basis of the acquired knowledge in the field of canon law, it is easier to understand the legal relations between the state and the Church
    • evaluate the legal dilemmas of the considered area
    • oral and written expression on legal issues in the field of the subject

    Learning and teaching methods:
    - lectures with prior preparation of students for lectures and tutorials;
    - exercises (study of case law and legislation);
    - preparation of a seminar paper;


    • verbal exam
    • exercises
    • seminar work

    The condition for taking the written exam is a positively assessed written assignment.

    Lecturer's references:
    Doc. dr. Andrej Naglič je doktor znanosti in izvoljen v naziv visokošolskega učitelja za področje ustavnega in mednarodnega ter poslovnega pravo, pravnik s 14-letnimi delovnimi izkušnjami in duhovnik Nadškofije Ljubljana.

    Diplomiral je na Pravni fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, kjer je pridobil tudi magisterij znanosti s področja mednarodnega prava. Doktorat znanosti je zaključil na Teološki fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, in sicer z disertacijo s področja človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin. Akademsko sodeluje s think-tancom Acton Institute iz Grand Rapidsa v ZDA.

    Njegove delovne izkušnje obsegajo prakso v pravni službi glavnega sedeža Organizacije Združenih narodov v New Yorku, prakso v oddelku za mednarodno pravo Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije, vodenje pravne in kadrovske službe v podjetju Lipbled na Bledu, sodelovanje z Ministrstvom za pravosodje Republike Slovenije, zaposlitev v kabinetu Zavarovalnice Triglav v Ljubljani, članstvo v upravnem odboru zavarovalnic Triglav Kopaonik in Triglav Penzijski fondovi v Beogradu, pravno svetovanje Slovenski škofovski konferenci in vodenje Inštituta Karantanija v Ljubljani. Pastoralne izkušnje je pridobival v župnijah Šentvid nad Ljubljano in Kranj.

    Poleti 2015 je bil imenovan za direktorja Katoliškega inštituta in predsednika upravnega odbora Fakultete za pravo in poslovne vede v Ljubljani.