Women Charity in the Nineteenth Century: The Case of the Ladies Society of Gorizia in Aid of the Poor

Robert Devetak

Women Charity in the Nineteenth Century: The Case of the Ladies Society of Gorizia in Aid of the Poor

DOI: https://doi.org/10.62983/rn2865.22a.4

Key words: The Land of Gorizia and Gradisca, women associations, charity, nineteenth century

This article deals with the activity of the most important charitable association in the Land of Gorizia and Gradisca during the Austro-Hungarian period. The Ladies Society in Aid of the Poor, founded in 1869, united the efforts of noblewomen and wealthy burghers to help the poor Gorizia population by using their influence, financial resources, and services. Its members provided various forms of assistance (soup kitchen, home care, charity fairs and events), with which they actively and significantly facilitated the public efforts of the authorities in curbing poor social conditions. Women of different national, socio-economic, and religious backgrounds established themselves in the association.


Women Charity in the Nineteenth Century: The Case of the Ladies Society of Gorizia in Aid of the Poor