Transformative Hermeneutics: Transfiguration in a Patristic Perspective

Jan Dominik Bogataj

Transformative Hermeneutics: Transfiguration in a Patristic Perspective


Key words: Christ’s transfiguration, patristics, exegesis, Origen, metamorphosis

This article argues for the so-called transformative hermeneutics based on the Patristic interpretation Christ’s transfiguration (Mt 17:1-8; Mr 9:2-8; Lc 9:28-36). In the first part, it discusses the theoretical conceptualization to evoke a transformative meaning in biblical exegesis. In the second part, the author presents a corresponding doctrine of Origen of Alexandria who in his many works interpreted this Gospel account and elucidated some genuine transformative hermeneutical aspects.


Transformative Hermeneutics: Transfiguration in a Patristic Perspective