First Owners of the Patident House A on Gosposka Street 10 in Ljubljana

David Petelin

First Owners of the Patident House A on Gosposka Street 10 in Ljubljana


Key words: New Square (Novi trg), Gosposka Street, hotel, family Peer, Pernburg, Ljubljana

Lazarini’s palace on Gosposka Street 10 in the middle of New Square (Novi trg) in Ljubljana hides within its walls a millennial history that can be traced from the culture of urn cemeteries, Roman and Medieval times, to the baroque adaptations and modern city structures. The archival sources are available to us for the surrounding area as early as the thirteenth century, when the religious community of the place was established, more eloquent are the sources from the sixteenth century onwards, when we can trace continuity of ownership until the present day. The first known owner of the house on today’s Gosposka street 10 was Christopher Peer. The Peer family was a well-known family in Carniola that originated from Gottschee (Kočevska). Many individuals of the surname Peer were also citizens of Ljubljana, one of them was even the mayor of Ljubljana in the mid-eighteenth century.


First Owners of the Patident House A on Gosposka Street 10 in Ljubljana