Final Solution to the Question of Natural Law

Petja Mihelič

Final Solution to the Question of Natural Law


Key words: natural law, legal philosophy, transcendence, immanence, reason, God.

Three basic elements are required for consideration in terms of ethics: 1. objectivity, 2. universality, and 3. intelligibility. Men’s inner guide is their conscience which can only be understood and followed correctly, if one’s intellect is properly formed. In this sense, we must acknowledge the importance of common sense for growth in suitable ethical and legal thought. That said, there are philosophies which are contrary to the mentioned perspective. Their trajectory went from methodical doubt through worship of reason of the Enlightenment and finally reached the destruction of transcendent reason. Men’s reason was therefore reduced to immanence, materialism, and positivism. By destruction of the transcendent, the conscience was silenced and, consequently, also the understanding of natural law as something objective, universal, and intelligible. It seems that our civilization thoroughly regressed to the archaic age of mankind, when man tried to become God and decide for himself what is good and what is evil.


Final Solution to the Question of Natural Law