Slovene Women of the Land of Gorizia during the Census in 1910

Robert Devetak

Slovene Women of the Land of Gorizia during the Census in 1910


Key words: Land of Gorizia and Gradisca, census in 1910, Gorizia (Gorica), national conflicts, history of women

This article discusses the census in the town of Gorizia (Gorica) in 1910 and emphasizes the role of women participation in the mentioned census. The latter was held in the period of serious national conflicts between the town’s Slovene and Romance (Italian) community. Consequently, its result failed to show the actual percentage of both national communities. Due to detected frauds and protests from the members of the Slovene national elite, the state authorities ordered to repeat the census. During the census, the Slovene national elite, with the assistance of women associations, was often addressing the Slovene women in Gorizia to be vigilant in case of frauds and to opt for Slovene language. This article brings forth the discourse and methods used by the Slovene national elite in addressing the Slovene women population in the town during the census.


Slovene Women of the Land of Gorizia during the Census in 1910