Trinitarian View of Spirituality in Augustine, Mary of the Incarnation, and Faustina Kowalska

Janez Dominik Herle

Trinitarian View of Spirituality in Augustine, Mary of the Incarnation, and Faustina Kowalska


Key words: Holy Trinity, relations, mystical marriage, Groom, purification, seeing, human soul

The Holy Trinity – Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit – reveals themselves to the people in space and time. From revealing of the Holy Trinity to Saint Augustine, Saint Mary of the Incarnation and Saint Faustina Kowalska, we are approaching to the relationships that go on inside of the Holy Trinity. The liveliness of the relationships between the persons of the Holy Trinity, which is experienced by the mystic(s), wants to splatter like a spring on people. God wants to socialize with His people and, therefore, the Holy Trinity is preparing its residence in men. Jesus Christ has a special role in this – through Him, God approached to man and “was made in the likeness of men.” (Phil. 2,7) Understanding of the ongoing relations within the Trinity helps the believers at deepening their relation with God and improvement of their inter-personal relationships. With the assistance of the method of comparison, the nature of the relations within the Trinity is known; additional theological light is shed on the fruits of the experiences of the studied authors which are then actualized.


Trinitarian View of Spirituality in Augustine, Mary of the Incarnation, and Faustina Kowalska