70th Anniversary of the UN‘s Declaration of Human Rights: Religion in Public Life as the Fundamental Human Right

Sebastijan Valentan

70th Anniversary of the UN‘s Declaration of Human Rights: Religion in Public Life as the Fundamental Human Right

DOI: https://doi.org/10.62983/rn2865.181.4

Key words: United Nations Organization, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, human rights, freedom of religion, international law

Before the UN adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which happened 70 years ago, it had been exchanging various views on the definition of human rights and which rights should be included in the declaration. A heated discussion broke out whether the rights of individuals should be above the rights of society. Totalitarian regimes and democratic countries opposed each other; however, the agreement had been reached. This represented a great victory for the international community. One of the fundamental rights is freedom of religion which tends to be infringed and subordinated by many. By the Declaration of Human Rights, UN wielded a significant influence on the judiciary system worldwide to guarantee the right of freedom of religion and other rights as well as on the perception of those rights in individual countries.


70th Anniversary of the UN‘s Declaration of Human Rights: Religion in Public Life as the Fundamental Human Right